Strong Engineering Team Provides Quick Solutions

Market Leader in induction heating solutions relies on BizLink elocab to solve their cable failures resulting in major cost savings.


Constant cable failures in equipment in different climate and weather conditions in
manufacturing locations around the world. The objective is to develop a functioning
cable that would withstand fluctuating temperature ranges and still maintain the
flexibility and endurance needed to perform at a high level.

This specific equipment is already in place in multiple countries around the globe.
An assessment of the current cable revealed that the new cable design would need
tight tolerances and specific high voltage ratings to maintain flexibility and durability.
The BizLink engineering team determined that they would need to focus on critical
dimensions, high flexibility and durability.

A design draft was presented to the client who made some adjustments. The BizLink
elocab team made further suggestions, and moved forward to complete a design that
would meet the customer’s strict requirements. The result: Less production downtime,
reduced costs of equipment repair, greater productivity and happier customers.

The customer can now rely on BizLink elocab high-performance cables in their
operations around the world, each customized to work effectively in the various
climates. The customer no longer needs to deal with cable failures. 

Optimize your Cable Design Project
When developing a new project, we highly recommend that you review both the cable and
assembly at the same time. Our engineering team will review the overall design and make
suggestions for the best possible solution.

To find out how BizLink can help you on your next project, contact the team today!
Call 1-519-893-1155 or email bca_infocable(ät)